Sunday, 13 January 2013

Indian Change Seekers

Please read the above blog. I totally agree to Mr. Bhagat, without including the "fours", we cannot have a change. We need to approach them and convince on the change. These "fours" also must be brought forward and listened to.

The huge protests in Delhi and all around India may still not have reached this class or properly understood by them. Whereas as informed by Mr. Chetan Bhagat, they constitute 90% of us. Without including them, a change is really unimaginable. Just like we do not bother about them and take them granted. They also will not care to understand what change we require. They will continue to support the "unlawful lawmakers" and hence no change, no economic liberty, no opportunities. 

For example, most of us do not respect our domestic helpers, we pay them very little and expect a lot from them. We take them totally granted. The monthly income for most of the maids (Kamwalis, as we call them) is less then what we pay for watching a movie. 

What should we do then? One of the things as I have informed in my earlier blog "Teach English to everyone" ( is on the same line, by teaching them little bit of English, we can save them from lot of problem and we can improve our communication with them and in fact get more useful output from them. This will mutually beneficial to us. 

Further we never ask these people anything about their other works and family. Basically, we do not connect with them. This whole class is alienated from rest of us. We must be in touch and show them that we care a bit. There always will be some exceptions, but most of them will respond positively to the little respect/recognition given to them. Maybe when you make an effort to connect with them, they will get surprised initially, but in the long run with positive attitude all around, they will understand and connect with us. Only then we can think of bringing a change in our society.

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