Thursday, 22 March 2012

Busy at Work

Dear Readers,

Sorry for not updating since last three weeks. I am going through some busy and hectic phase on my profession front.

Shall be back soon with more interesting posts.



Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Life is like a Pineapple

Today I bought a pineapple. Of course I have had this fruit many times and I like it, it tastes good and is an excellent source of manganese and Vitamin-C, but today I tried cutting it myself for the first time. 

As expected, it was really difficult (for me) to peal this tasty fruit properly. I found that it is almost impossible to separate the prickly fiber from delicious soft edible part, more I tried to separate prickly part, more I lose sweet edible part and finally I had to eat some prickly fiber along with the sweet fruit. Also, the fruit closest to the prickly part is sweetest.

This pineapple actually gives us an insight about our life. As sweet part cannot be separated from prickly part of pineapple, similarly in our life the good part, our happiness, enjoyment, amusement, cannot be separated from its hardships, failures (life's prickly part) and sorrows. And when we are going through a hardship, it also means the sweetest fruit (our happiness) will be lying next to it. The more hardships we have more will be happiness. The good parts mostly come with something we do not like, for example Morning Jog for a healthy body, day and night study for that one exam and so on. But if we learn how to deal with the bad part, we can really enjoy the fruit of life.

This is applicable on our relationships too in most cases, there are always some characteristics/habits of our loved ones which we do not like and we want to remove those disliked characteristics and change  the person to all good (for us). And no one is actually always all sweet. Like pineapple, if we keep trying to separate the bad part from good, we might end up losing all the good part too.

So whenever you are not happy, facing a hardship, think of pineapple. And when your close one is sometimes not behaving as you like, think of it as the prickly part, which will definitely be surrounded by the sweet fruit, the things you like.

Wish you all happy eating and happy living.  :)