Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Our TV Serials

Dear All,

There are too many TV Serials these days. Some of the basic concepts followed by most of them are.-

1. Ladies in rich Indian families always keep makeup and Jewellery on, even while sleeping.
2. There is at least one goody-goody girl/auntie who is extremely dutiful, very innocent, very kind and helpful, always forgiving. In short, having all the positive qualities one can imagine. (Almost impossible to find in real life)
3. One Vamp who keeps making plans to hurt the good one.
4. Tears, lots of tears, Bhu whoo hooo... :'(
5. There is a minimum 15~20 seconds (Sometimes up to a minute) gap between dialogues, while Camera keeps panning here and there.
6. Good one will always cry more (almost always)

Another mentionable thing about our TV Serials is, even if you miss a few episodes, no need to sweat, there will never be any progress in Story.  I have heard for some of the serials the story is decided just a day before its shoot.

STILL, our women adore these hopeless TV Serials  and I am unable to understand why.

Please give your comments to help me understand.

Yours sincerely


Monday, 27 February 2012

Indian Hockey Team

What a great performance by Indian Hockey team yesterday. It was a delight to watch India beating France 8 to 1.

However, it is saddening to know that our National Hockey Team players are paid very low, Even in London they will be paid only $50 per day, whereas our cricket players are paid huge sums even for loosing or even not playing. It's not that I have anything against Cricket, I have enjoyed some great moments of Cricket along with rest of the country. But I think we have not been fair to Hockey at all.

Today even a child can tell names of all players in Indian Cricket team, whereas it is difficult to find any one who can tell names of our Hockey players. Kids know all the rules of cricket by heart, but not many will have same knowledge about Hockey

What is the reason? Why are we all so biased towards Cricket? And what's wrong with Hockey?

I propose lets all give Hockey a fair chance, and try to know the game again, We have won the Olympics Gold in hockey 8 times, which is highest till date. We still have it in us to become world champions of Hockey. Let's tell this to everyone.

Chalo "Fir dil do hockey ko"

Yours Sincerely



Hi.. I am a new Writer, Starting today only.

When I was a teenager, I used to be a great Bookworm, spending about 90% of my free time reading books, mostly fiction as it took me to another world and I was loving it. But now, few years and one marriage later, I actually lost it, No stamina to sit and read for more than fifteen minutes. I became one of those, love-to-buy-books-and-never-read types. I even prefer to watch TV or Sleep rather than read the book I got myself with so much love and excitement. Somewhere inside I always know that this lazy bastard is not me... ever. So with plans to kill this lazy bastard, and resurrect the real me who loves to read and write. I am starting this blog.

To share with you, I recently researched the great epics of Mahabharata and Ramayana  (on Wikipedia). I am amazed to note the detail and precision in these stories, how all the curses and vows were planned and executed. I wonder if any of today's writers can write anything this great. Not that I have not seen both epics on TV, but I was only seven or Eight years old, all I remembered were the cool camera effects used to show the war with Magical Arrows.

Anyways, I request those who can, to please give me some tips, as how can I bring the writer inside me out.

Yours sincerely,
